Soap Dish
The Rogerie
From $11.50
Eucalyptus Lemongrass Bar Soap
Charcoal & Rose Petals
Regular price $7.00
Soap Pouch
Regular price $8.00
Bar Soap - Orford Lake
La Savonnerie des Diligences
Bar Soap - Spirit of the Forest
Bar Soap - The Fairy
Travel Soap Case
From $17.00
Bar Soap - The Survivor
Bar Soap - The Dreamer
Bar Soap - The Patriot
Bar Soap - Queen Bee
Aloe with Vitamin E Bar Soap
The Soap Works
Regular price $3.50
Eucalyptus & Lavender Bar Soap
Bar Soap - The Fur Trader
Evening Primrose Oil Soap
Bar Soap - Cinnamon Soap
Pink Grapefruit Bar Soap
Bar Soap - The Globetrotter
Shea Butter Bar Soap
Cucumber & Calendula Soap